I Have No Idea What To Write About
Seriously, I’ve hit the proverbial wall!
I’ve been a follower of Medium since 2018, I read half a dozen articles every day and even ventured to write a few myself. I have 70+ followers and have made a lifetime total of 74 cents on Medium. Yay.
And I have nothing new to write about, my mind’s a blank.
I’ve written stories about my personal experiences in hotels, the time I kissed Shakira and when I was assaulted by a Japanese guest. I’ve written about bum-blasting, given tips on how to stay safe in hotels and spoken about a guest’s unsinkable stool.
I’ve just completed an online course on how to succeed on Medium by Tim Denning and Todd Brison, very informative and a great help. They dedicate a chapter to finding ideas, but alas, I’m stuck.
I want to be different, draw from my experiences, “dare to change the world with your writing”, as Todd Brison remarks. But I’m scared no one will read my stuff, that I will be ignored.
Drawing from personal experiences is fine, talking about emotional ones is more difficult as it relates to family, friends and where I live now in the Middle East. Do I really want to be shunned by my peers or thrown out from where I live?